Friday, 25 July 2008

Quitting smoking health benefits

Our bodies use food for energy and growth which is a problem when you have diabetes as the condition stops this from happening properly. Glucose from the food we eat is the body's primary source of energy. Diabetes interrupts the transportation of glucose around the body. The health risks are the direct result of a build up of glucose in the blood instead of it being carried around the body for the cells to have energy.

Information in this article is regarding the two major types of the condition. Juvenile onset diabetes is called type one and usually, but not always, affects children and young adults and is where the body's production of insulin has ceased; this results in the diabetic requiring an insulin injection every day to stay healthy and alive. The purpose of insulin is to regulate the amount of glucose in our blood. Type 2 is also called adult onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes; it results when the body either cannot produce enough insulin or does not use the insulin it makes properly.

Our body needs energy which it obtains from food that it converts into sugar like bread, potatoes, rice and pasta etc. Having high levels of glucose in your blood that is not entering the cells will over long periods, cause a number of serious conditions including blindness, amputations, heart and kidney conditions. Good diabetes care and management can prevent or delay the onset of these complications; some of these conditions can be slowed down whilst others can even be stopped.

Managing your condition means you must take control of certain areas of your life by ensuring you take your medication regularly; it is very important that you give up smoking and maintain your blood glucose levels, cholesterol and other blood fats within your target range.

tips on stopping smoking

the effects of smoking

how smoking effects your lungs

hypnotherapy stop smoking

quitting smoking health benefits

Stable weight is also a requirement that will help ensure your blood pressure is maintained at a health level. Diabetes cannot be cured and once diagnosed it is a lifelong complaint; the USA is particularly badly hit with over 5.5 million sufferers. However, the disease remains undiagnosed in about the same number; it is known that six hundred thousand new cases of will be diagnosed this and every year. Official figures show that diabetes causes the death of over thirty four thousand people in America every year but deaths from citizens that have the condition but do not die directly from it is about 320,000.

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